網站名稱:DHL Global Tracking
主辦單位:DHL Global Tracking
網站簡介: DHL is present in over 220 countries and territories across the globe, making it the most international company in the world. With a workforce exceeding 285,000 employees, we provide solutions for an almost infinite number of logistics needs. DHL is part of the world's leading postal and logistics Group, Deutsche Post DHL and encompasses three divisions: DHL Express, DHL Global Forwarding, Freight and DHL Supply Chain.
溫馨提示:打開微信 - 點擊右上角 + 號 - 添加朋友, 搜索 jiaotongxing 或者 交通出行網,添加關注,一網打盡各地高速、路況、地圖、ETC、違章、地鐵、公交、天氣等信息。